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Market Overview
Quotes are delayed, as of April 28, 2024, 04:32:35 AM CDT or prior.
Cattle Regain Strength to Round Out Week -

Cattle futures are continuing to shrug off the Wednesday overreaction, as contracts are up another 60 cents to $1.52 at midday. Cash trade kicked

Corn Settles 1 to 3 Lower on Friday, Still Up 6+ Cents for Week -

Corn settled 1 to 3 cents lower on Friday, with nearby May the firmest and May 2025 seeing the biggest day to day net loss. The solid export sales

Cotton Futures Mixed Going into Weekend -

Cotton futures settled lower on Friday, by 18 to 39 points. Nearby May is in deliveries, and only one trade was reported for the entire day, at

Hogs Correction Continued on Friday -

Lean hogs hit their high for the week on Tuesday and spent the rest of the week fading the early rally. Futures settled $1.00 to $2.525 lower on

Wheat Rally Continues into Weekend, KC Up 64 ¾ Cents For Week -

Wheat bulls continued their assault on the heights (or at least foot hills given the size of the decline in recent months) on Friday. Kansas City

Soybeans Hesitant to Head Higher on Planting Delays -

Soybeans settled 3 ¼ lower to 3 cents higher on Friday, with delivery months out through January 2025 in negative territory and the rest of the

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